Happy 1st anniversary, Aero Tales Online!
- 100% EXP Event started for 24 hours! Afterward, the 20% EXP Event will continue for 1 Month.
- 02.08.2023 - Server time event calendar is listed below.
- 13.00 - Three times of hide and seek: Reward 10.000 AC
- 14.00 - Pet racing event: Prize 10.000 AC
- 15.00 - Boss event (Hulma, Azure Dragon, Celestial)
- 16.00 - 1 Gold market event
- 17.00 - Race event (3 People who come first to a random map) Reward: 10.000 AC
- 18.00 - Boss Event (Hulma, Azure Dragon, Celestial)
- 19.00 - Player seeking event! Reward: 10.000 AC
- 20.00 - 2v2 Power equalized tournament PvP event. Reward: 5.000 AC per Match Won